Spring Detox: De-Junk the Trunk

Just as a closet can collect clutter…our bodies hang on to baggage. They need a cleanse. Join me in my yoga classes this month as we concentrate on breathing techniques, hip openers and twists to cleanse and rejuvenate. The results are ENERGIZING!! In getting rid of the junk we can make room for healthy practices. Even the smallest change can bring …

What’s Your Story?

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden As an instructor I often hear the following phrases (or something similar) from students with regards to attending a yoga class: “I’m not flexible enough”, “I can’t bend like that”, “I’ll start yoga when I lose weight”, “When I have time I’ll start coming”, “After the …

What Can You Eliminate?

I just got my “Costco Connection” August 2011 Issue in the mail a few days ago. In browsing I came across a great article by Dr. Robert J. Leon that struck a chord with me and made me think of ways I can improve my health and wellness. In the article he answers a common question posed by many of …

Bikram / Hot Yoga: What Not To Wear

I did mention in an earlier post what to wear (and not wear) in Bikram. Less is better. Here are a couple of outfits regularly seen in a Bikram class and some I wore that I liked and did not like. The down side of wearing shorts comes during the floor work. When pulling the knees into the chest, wrapping arms around …

Most Generous – Asteya

Asteya – one of the five Yamas (wise characteristics) of the eight limbs of yoga as defined by Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras. It’s translation: non stealing. But what does that mean? Nischala Joy Devi lends a feminine view to the definition and practice of Asteya in her book “The Secret Power of Yoga: A woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit …

Lila – Pastime, Sport or Play

The possibilities are limitless this month! Our theme for May is Lila (pronounce lee-la) which literally means “pastime”, “sport” or “play”. I remember as a kid living in Ohio that summer rain showers meant you donned a swimsuit and went outside to play! We played in the streets where the water would collect up past our knees and we could …